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Fees on Utes: Three Things you should Know Jul 19, 2021

Plenty of Kiwi businesses buy utes as company vehicles. If you’re in the trades, for instance, a ute can be the perfect way to haul everything around and promote your brand at the same time.

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Using the Value Ladder to Increase Sales Jul 14, 2021

One of the best ways to increase sales is to use the Value Ladder to build a relationship with your customers. The higher the customer values their relationship with you, the more money...

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Upsizing or downsizing? We can help with the Forecasting Jul 06, 2021

The post-Covid, globalised economy has created a number of challenges for the average business. Depending on your business purpose and strategy, you may need to either upsize or downsize, to secure...

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Health and Safety: Say it Loud and Proud to Lower the Risk Jun 30, 2021

A ‘she’ll be right’ attitude towards health and safety won’t cut it.

You’ve got to make a conscious decision to be safe and get everyone in your team thinking about...

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The Holidays Act is Changing Jun 16, 2021

But you’ll need to comply in the meantime

A major overhaul of the Holidays Act 2003 is underway, which is welcome news because this is a notoriously tricky Act for businesses to comply...

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Livestock Update – June 2021 Jun 15, 2021

Inland Revenue have recently announced this year’s livestock Herd Scheme Values and we think this is a great opportunity to update you on the latest movements.

The Herd Scheme...

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Self-employed? Get the full KiwiSaver Contribution Jun 15, 2021

When you’re self-employed, you’re the one in charge of your KiwiSaver contributions. Without an employer to make contributions on your behalf, you need to decide how much you want to...

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Provisional Tax Payment Options May 02, 2021

A reminder about Provisional Tax due 7 May for many clients.

Here are some payment options available to you:

Pay full amount due – Have funds put aside and can pay now

When you receive the...

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Should I focus on Profits or Cashflow? Apr 20, 2021

Turning a profit is at the heart of running any successful company. But should profits be the only financial focus if you’re looking to create a stable, long-term business?

Cashflow is the...

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Covid Vaccinations and your Employees Apr 18, 2021

As the vaccination programme rolls out across New Zealand, you might be wondering what your obligations are as an employer.

Employment New Zealand has released some guidelines to help employers...

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Writing a Job Description Apr 12, 2021

The key things to include

As your business grows, there will be an increasing need to create new roles and hire new employees.

A job description will be an essential document for defining the...

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Ten Ways to Lift your Margin Apr 09, 2021

Improvements can always be made at the margin.

Small tweaks to your processes or systems can make a massive difference to the end result.

It’s the same with your business margin – a 1%...

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