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How to get Original with your Marketing Nov 14, 2023

The success of your business depends greatly on the success of your marketing. Getting your key messages, product features and brand identity out into your industry market helps to drive engagement...

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Can Business Automation Streamline your Business? Nov 08, 2023

How can business automation streamline your business? Business automation uses technology to streamline and simplify all the repetitive manual tasks, processes and workflows that are part of the...

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10 Questions to ask yourself as a Business Owner Nov 06, 2023

Running a busy and successful business means you often don’t have the time to step back and work ON the business. This can be a challenge if your aim is to grow and scale the company.


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Do Trusts get their Fair Share of the PIE? Sep 27, 2023

As a registered financial adviser, an investment avenue that is often overlooked by New Zealand trusts is Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) funds.

While PIE funds are not exclusive to trusts, they...

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Plain English Guide to Cashflow Sep 18, 2023

In the world of business, cashflow isn’t just another financial term—it's the lifeblood that keeps your company thriving. Understanding and managing cashflow is crucial for the survival...

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5 Ways to Overcome Economic Uncertainty Sep 15, 2023

Economic uncertainty is an ongoing worry for any business owner.

You can control your own financial management, but you don’t have any direct control over the wider macro-economy. And in the...

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How can Small Businesses Compete with the Big Chains? Sep 13, 2023

In tough economic times, small businesses can struggle. Big multinational chains often have the scale to undercut local competitors and survive even when times get tough.

What can small businesses...

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Should you Buy a Building for your Business? Sep 05, 2023

Tired of paying rent for your commercial premises and considering buying a premises for your business?

Owning a building works best if your business is well-established, you have money to invest,...

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Which Business Expenses can you Claim against Tax? Jul 24, 2023

Incurring expenses is an unavoidable fact of running a business. But which expenses can you claim tax deductions against and which don’t meet the tax-free criteria?

Here’s our lowdown...

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How can you Prove the ongoing Viability of your Business? Jul 20, 2023

Whether you’re applying for government subsidies, taking out a business loan or seeking investor support, you need to be able to demonstrate your ongoing viability as a business.

To prove...

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5 Questions to Ask when you are Buying a Business Jul 11, 2023

Purchasing an existing company is a great way to expand your business empire. You can buy out a close competitor, or dip a toe into a new industry and expand your reach as a business group. But...

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Take Care of Yourself, Not just Your Business Jun 19, 2023

Being a business owner can be stressful. When the buck stops with you, it can be easy to let the pressure mount up and to discount your own wellbeing.

But taking care of your own mental health is...

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