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Clean Car Discount Changes - Should you Buy a Car Now? Jun 14, 2023

There have been some important changes to the Clean Car Discount scheme here in New Zealand, which come into effect from 1 July 2023.

Many cars that previously qualified for the full rebate will no...

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10 Steps to Business Continuity Planning Jun 06, 2023

‘Business continuity’ is the process of planning out how your company can continue trading – when disaster strikes.

In essence, it’s your Plan B for how to set up a...

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The 'No Frills' 2023 Budget: What does it mean for you? May 23, 2023

How will the latest Budget affect your business and your household?

Here are some of the changes most likely to have an impact on Kiwi business owners.

Extended free childcare hours

If you have...

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Using your Network to Create Business Development Opportunities Apr 24, 2023

People buy from people. It’s an obvious observation beloved of salespeople, but it’s also why networking is such a powerful tool for creating business development opportunities.


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How to Apply for a Business Loan Apr 18, 2023

Need some extra cash to take your business to the next level, but daunted by the loan process? You're not alone. There's a lot of paperwork and number-crunching involved.

Before you get started,...

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Invest in your Employees to get the Maximum Benefits from Remote Working Apr 11, 2023

Remote work has become an increasingly popular way of working in recent years. Many companies now offer their employees the ability to work from home or other external locations. This is a giant...

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Why your Business Needs a Continuity Plan Apr 04, 2023

If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected. Whether it’s a cyclone, a pandemic or a power cut, life has been throwing us some serious curveballs. Your...

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Support for Businesses hit by Cyclone Gabrielle Feb 17, 2023

If your business has been impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle, you may be able to get support from your bank and/or the Government.

Here are some of the packages available to businesses across New...

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GST Invoice Rules are Changing Feb 16, 2023

No more piles of receipts and invoices required!

Dealing with GST invoices will be much simpler under Inland Revenue’s new rules, which come into effect on 1 April, 2023. The goal is to...

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Get in Control of Cashflow Feb 13, 2023

It’s a well-worn phrase, but cashflow really is the lifeblood of your business.

When your cash inflows are greater than your cash outflows, that puts you in a positive cashflow position...

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Hiring Employees who share your Core Values Jan 16, 2023

At the beginning of your startup journey, you and your co-founders will be in charge of selecting and hiring the key members of your new team.

The people you choose will identify with your core...

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Digital Signatures and Cyber Security Jan 13, 2023

Authenticated digital signatures can be a valuable part of your cyber security approach. They are more efficient than printing, signing and scanning documents and provide one-off encryption for the...

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